Sunday 16 July 2017


Apple is reportedly planning three new iPhones for later this year—but one of them may be in trouble.

Over the last several days, several news reports have suggested that the iPhone 8, the unofficial name used to describe Apple's next big smartphone, could be delayed.

Those reports suggest the company is facing problems in its supply chain and technical troubles with critical features like a fingerprint sensor integrated into the display.

All the while, Apple is said to be pressuring its suppliers and employees to get the phone ready in time for an as-yet-announced September unveiling.

 Use of the company's virtual personal assistant Siri has fallen in the last year, according to a report, and Apple has made a big change to how customers pay for apps and music through digital services like its App Store.

Bank of America Merrill Lynch analysts Wamsi Mohan and Stefano Pascale followed that report this week with a note of their own, claiming

 Apple's iPhone 8 could be delayed for three to four weeks. The analysts, who visited companies in Apple's supply chain, said that Apple is "working through" problems with the fingerprint sensor and 3-D face-scanner. Again, the analysts said Apple and its suppliers are working to fix the problems before it's too late.

 Apple's virtual personal assistant Siri lost 7.3 million monthly users, or about 15% of its total U.S. user base, according to data from researcher Verto analytics.Apple has taken its fight with graphics maker Imagination Technologies to another level by opening a 22,500-square-foot office just minutes from Imagination's headquarters in London. While Apple hasn't acknowledged the move, it's viewed as a shot over Imagination's bow, and an attempt by the iPhone maker to attract Imagination employees for its own graphics efforts.

Apple and Imagination are embroiled in a legal spat following the iPhone maker's decision to stop sourcing graphics technology for its iPhones from Imagination. Since then, Imagination's shares have plummeted and the company is for sale.

One more thing...

Apple announced this week that it's building a data center in China. The move will allow it to comply with a new Chinese law that requires all foreign companies wanting to do business there to open data centers in the country so they can store user data there.

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