Wednesday 17 May 2017

Java vs Go

Java’s long history brings network effects that help everyone
Java has been around since 1995, attracting more mind share each year. Everything from tiny embedded processors to massive server chips run Java quickly and efficiently thanks to its agile just-in-time virtual machine. Android has become a boon for Java, as the most popular platform in the mobile world by far. That’s why Java remains top dog on rankings like the Tiobe index and PyPL . This wide adoption means there is plenty of code for reuse, and much of it is open source to simplify your life. You’ll be standing on the shoulders of giants when you start stitching together the bazillion lines of freely available Java code.Go promotes harmony
Yes, you can knit together a superclever application that mixes in the best of the new and the trendy, choosing the absolutely best language for each part of your wonderful magnum opus on the JVM. You can even mix in oldies like Rexx and Common Lisp to honor their place in ’70s-era computing history. Good luck finding someone with the same tastes and talents who will maintain this Tower of Babel. Aside from mixing in a few well-crafted libraries, it’s not always a good plan to emulate Rube Goldberg when designing good code. Sometimes it’s expedient and necessary, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good plan. Harmony and consistency make life easier for all. The Go world delivers that.
Java’s JVM is lean and powerful
Java class files are often measured in hundreds of bytes. The JAR files that link them together are usually only a few megabytes. Java code itself is small because the virtual machine holds so much power for memory management and security. If you plan to move around lots of code, it makes sense to leave the functionality in a common runtime tool. There are other advantages to centralization. If a security problem appears in the lowest levels of Java, there’s no need to recompile and relink all your code. Many problems are solved by upgrading the JVM alone.

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